There are many thoughts about achieving a person's life success. For some it is a gift of fate, parents, for others, it is a condition that is provided by someone for big money. I believe that getting what you want depends only on your personal strength and vitality. We must do our best, it makes us stronger, more resilient, wiser, smarter. Confirmation of my opinion is that, first, many people rely only on themselves, on their strength and intelligence. They do not expect the gift of fate or that someone will provide them with a good life. These are the people who deserve the respect of others.
This is my hardworking people. Ukrainians have worked hard all their lives to survive and prove they have a right to a happy future. Many proverbs, stories, works testify to the hard work of our people. A striking example is the psychological novella of Vasily Stefanyk's The Stone Cross. The work describes the emigration of Galician peasants to Canada in search of a better life. The author also emphasizes the unity of Ivan Didukh with his land. The villagers called him a gas boss because he worked hard for the good of the family, and when offered to go to Canada, he said: ... ”where am I, broken, to go? I am workmanship - a whole body of corns, that if you bring them up early, then you cry ten times!”
The novel by Vasily Stefanyk has many symbolic details and images. The fire cross represents the terrible, hard, suffering work of the peasant above the land, which, unfortunately, cannot fully feed his family. All his life man worked in his field, gave him a lot of strength. However, he only got what he has in Ukraine through his own efforts. His portrait features are not described, but it is said that his appearance was very ugly, because he was bent into an arc by hard work.
Secondly, what has been achieved by yourself is much more appreciated. Let it take a lot of time, but it is much nicer to realize that one has reached the desired goal without the help of others. A striking example is Roxolian from the eponymous tale by prominent Ukrainian writer Osip Nazaruk. The main idea is that wisdom, ingenuity, great willpower, work on oneself are capable of uplifting man. The village girl Nastya, who was originally a prisoner of the Tatars, became the wife of Sultan Suleiman. She had come a long way before she reached her goal. The girl actively studied Turkish, embraced Muslims, learned the customs and traditions of the majestic Ottoman Empire, spent a great deal of time to become a venerable Hurray Sultan and just a happy person. Yes, sometimes Roxolana was cruel. This is to prove to everyone that she is a person who will achieve the desired result even in a foreign country. Roxolana made herself successful. She did not expect help from anyone, because she was alone in a hostile state. Over time, Roksolian learned a few more languages, was actively involved in charity work, took care of her children, loved Sulaiman with all her heart. It was her son who became the heir to the Sultan. Roxolana proved her power to all. All that she had, she received through her own efforts.
So, we are convinced that happiness is always a hard job. You cannot expect “manna of heaven” you must succeed on your own. Then the person will receive respect from others and will feel confident in himself and his strength.
This is my hardworking people. Ukrainians have worked hard all their lives to survive and prove they have a right to a happy future. Many proverbs, stories, works testify to the hard work of our people. A striking example is the psychological novella of Vasily Stefanyk's The Stone Cross. The work describes the emigration of Galician peasants to Canada in search of a better life. The author also emphasizes the unity of Ivan Didukh with his land. The villagers called him a gas boss because he worked hard for the good of the family, and when offered to go to Canada, he said: ... ”where am I, broken, to go? I am workmanship - a whole body of corns, that if you bring them up early, then you cry ten times!”
The novel by Vasily Stefanyk has many symbolic details and images. The fire cross represents the terrible, hard, suffering work of the peasant above the land, which, unfortunately, cannot fully feed his family. All his life man worked in his field, gave him a lot of strength. However, he only got what he has in Ukraine through his own efforts. His portrait features are not described, but it is said that his appearance was very ugly, because he was bent into an arc by hard work.
Secondly, what has been achieved by yourself is much more appreciated. Let it take a lot of time, but it is much nicer to realize that one has reached the desired goal without the help of others. A striking example is Roxolian from the eponymous tale by prominent Ukrainian writer Osip Nazaruk. The main idea is that wisdom, ingenuity, great willpower, work on oneself are capable of uplifting man. The village girl Nastya, who was originally a prisoner of the Tatars, became the wife of Sultan Suleiman. She had come a long way before she reached her goal. The girl actively studied Turkish, embraced Muslims, learned the customs and traditions of the majestic Ottoman Empire, spent a great deal of time to become a venerable Hurray Sultan and just a happy person. Yes, sometimes Roxolana was cruel. This is to prove to everyone that she is a person who will achieve the desired result even in a foreign country. Roxolana made herself successful. She did not expect help from anyone, because she was alone in a hostile state. Over time, Roksolian learned a few more languages, was actively involved in charity work, took care of her children, loved Sulaiman with all her heart. It was her son who became the heir to the Sultan. Roxolana proved her power to all. All that she had, she received through her own efforts.
So, we are convinced that happiness is always a hard job. You cannot expect “manna of heaven” you must succeed on your own. Then the person will receive respect from others and will feel confident in himself and his strength.
Є багато думок щодо досягнення життєвого успіху людини. Для одних це подарунок долі, батьків, для інших - це умова, яку хтось забезпечує за великі гроші. Я вважаю, що отримати те, що ти хочеш, залежить лише від твоєї особистої сили та життєвої сили. Ми повинні зробити все можливе, це робить нас сильнішими, стійкішими, мудрішими, розумнішими. Підтвердженням моєї думки є те, що, по-перше, багато людей покладаються лише на себе, на свої сили та інтелект. Вони не очікують дарування долі або того, що хтось забезпечить їм гарне життя. Це люди, які заслуговують на повагу інших.
Це мій працьовитий народ. Українці все життя наполегливо працювали, щоб вижити і довести, що мають право на щасливе майбутнє. Багато прислів’їв, оповідань, творів свідчать про працьовитість нашого народу. Яскравий приклад - психологічна новела Василя Стефаника «Камінний хрест». Робота описує еміграцію галицьких селян до Канади в пошуках кращого життя. Автор також наголошує на єдності Івана Дідуха зі своєю землею. Селяни називали його газовим босом, бо він наполегливо працював на благо родини, і коли йому запропонували поїхати до Канади, він сказав: ... »куди я, зламаний, їхати? Я майстерність - ціле тіло мозолів, що якщо ви рано їх виховуєте, то десять разів плачете! "
Роман Василя Стефаника має багато символічних деталей та образів. Вогняний хрест являє собою страшну, важку, страждальну працю селянина над землею, який, на жаль, не може повноцінно прогодувати його родину. Усе життя людина працювала на своїй ниві, давала йому багато сил. Однак він отримав лише те, що має в Україні власними зусиллями. Його портретні риси не описані, але кажуть, що його зовнішність була дуже потворною, тому що він важкою працею зігнувся в дугу.
По-друге, те, що досягнуто самим, набагато більше цінується. Нехай це забирає багато часу, але набагато приємніше усвідомлювати, що хтось досяг бажаної мети без допомоги інших. Яскравий приклад - Роксолян із однойменної казки видатного українського письменника Осипа Назарука. Основна ідея полягає в тому, що мудрість, винахідливість, велика сила волі, робота над собою здатні підняти людину. Сільська дівчина Настя, яка спочатку була полоненою татар, стала дружиною султана Сулеймана. Вона пройшла довгий шлях до досягнення своєї мети. Дівчина активно вивчала турецьку мову, приймала мусульман, вивчала звичаї та традиції величної Османської імперії, витрачала багато часу, щоб стати поважним уральським султаном і просто щасливою людиною. Так, іноді Роксолана була жорстокою. Це потрібно довести всім, що вона - людина, яка досягне бажаного результату навіть у чужій країні. Роксолана зробила себе успішною. Вона не очікувала допомоги від когось, бо вона була самотня у ворожому стані. З часом Роксолян вивчив ще кілька мов, активно долучився до благодійної роботи, опікувався її дітьми, всім серцем любив Сулеймана. Саме її син став спадкоємцем султана. Роксолана довела свою силу всім. Все, що вона мала, вона отримала власними зусиллями.
Отже, ми переконані, що щастя - це завжди важка робота. Ви не можете очікувати "манни небесної", ви повинні досягти успіху самостійно. Тоді людина отримає повагу оточуючих і буде відчувати впевненість у собі і своїх силах.
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