William Shakespeare is the greatest of all playwrights and poets of all times. Not much is known of his life. He was probably the son of a businessman and was born in 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon. He probably attended the local grammar school and got a classical education. In 1582 he married Anne Hathaway and had 3 children. Little is known of his life before 1592, when he appeared as a playwright in London. Soon he became an actor playing supporting roles like the ghost in "Hamlet". In 1599 Shakespeare became a part owner of the Globe Theatre in London.
Shakespeare's work as a playwright is subdivided into 3 periods. Written in the first period, Shakespeare's plays are mostly history plays like "Henry VI", and comedies with strong elements of farce. His masterpiece of this period is "Romeo and Juliet".
In the second period, Shakespeare wrote a number of comedies where he moved away from farce towards romance. In the third period, after 1600, appeared his major tragedies - "Hamlet", "Othello". They presented a clear opposition in order to chaos, good to evil.
Shakespeare was a great poet and would be well known for his poetry alone. His major achievement as a poet is his sonnets, first published in 1609. A sonnet is a poem consisting of 14 lines, with a moral at the end. The sonnets are addressed to some "W.H.", and too mysterious "Dark Lady of Sonnets". The sonnets deal with the great themes of love, friendship, death, change and immortality. Shakespeare looks at his own poetry as a means of immortality. Shakespeare's sonnets are excellent. They are full of harmony and music; they praise love, friendship and beauty, though there is no sentimentality in them.
Shakespeare's poetry is at the summit of human achievement. Many centuries have passed since his death in 1616, but Shakespeare is still considered to be the greatest of all playwrights and poets.
The great poet and dramatist William Shakespeare is often called by his people "Our National Bard", "The Immortal Poet of Nature" and "The Great Unknown". More than two hundred contemporary references to Shakespeare have been located among church records, legal records, documents in the Public Record Office, and miscellaneous repositories. When these owe assembled, we have at least the skeleton outline of his life, beginning with his baptist on April 26, 1564, in Trinity Church, Stratford-on-Avon, and ending with his burial there on April 25, 1616. Shakespeare's native place was Sratford-on-Avon, a little town in Warwickshire, which is generally described as being in the middle of England.
Shakespeare's father, John, was a prosperous glove maker of Stratford who, after holding minor municipal offices, was elected high bailiff of Stratford. Shakespeare's mother Mary Arden, came from an affluent family of landowners.
Shakespeare probably received his early education at the excellent Stratford Grammar School, supervised by an Oxford graduate, where he would have learned Latin smattering of Greek. In 1582 Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway, who lived in a neighboring hamlet. The first child born to Ann and William was their daughter Susanna. In about two years Ann bore him twins a boy and a girl, Hamlet and Judith.
Then life in Stratford became intolerable for William Shakespeare and he decided to go to London and begin a theatrical career. Shakespeare's major activity lays in the field of drama. He became a full shareholder in his acting company, he was co-owner of "the Globe" theatre and later of "the Blackfriars" theatre, and in 1597 he purchased property in Strarford, including one of the largest houses in the town. He probably retired about 1610, traveling to London when necessary to take care of his theatrical business. In all, 154 sonnets were written. The sonnets were probably created in the 1590 but were first published in 1609.
Shakespeare's work as a playwright is subdivided into 3 periods. Written in the first period, Shakespeare's plays are mostly history plays like "Henry VI", and comedies with strong elements of farce. His masterpiece of this period is "Romeo and Juliet".
In the second period, Shakespeare wrote a number of comedies where he moved away from farce towards romance. In the third period, after 1600, appeared his major tragedies - "Hamlet", "Othello". They presented a clear opposition in order to chaos, good to evil.
Shakespeare was a great poet and would be well known for his poetry alone. His major achievement as a poet is his sonnets, first published in 1609. A sonnet is a poem consisting of 14 lines, with a moral at the end. The sonnets are addressed to some "W.H.", and too mysterious "Dark Lady of Sonnets". The sonnets deal with the great themes of love, friendship, death, change and immortality. Shakespeare looks at his own poetry as a means of immortality. Shakespeare's sonnets are excellent. They are full of harmony and music; they praise love, friendship and beauty, though there is no sentimentality in them.
Shakespeare's poetry is at the summit of human achievement. Many centuries have passed since his death in 1616, but Shakespeare is still considered to be the greatest of all playwrights and poets.
The great poet and dramatist William Shakespeare is often called by his people "Our National Bard", "The Immortal Poet of Nature" and "The Great Unknown". More than two hundred contemporary references to Shakespeare have been located among church records, legal records, documents in the Public Record Office, and miscellaneous repositories. When these owe assembled, we have at least the skeleton outline of his life, beginning with his baptist on April 26, 1564, in Trinity Church, Stratford-on-Avon, and ending with his burial there on April 25, 1616. Shakespeare's native place was Sratford-on-Avon, a little town in Warwickshire, which is generally described as being in the middle of England.
Shakespeare's father, John, was a prosperous glove maker of Stratford who, after holding minor municipal offices, was elected high bailiff of Stratford. Shakespeare's mother Mary Arden, came from an affluent family of landowners.
Shakespeare probably received his early education at the excellent Stratford Grammar School, supervised by an Oxford graduate, where he would have learned Latin smattering of Greek. In 1582 Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway, who lived in a neighboring hamlet. The first child born to Ann and William was their daughter Susanna. In about two years Ann bore him twins a boy and a girl, Hamlet and Judith.
Then life in Stratford became intolerable for William Shakespeare and he decided to go to London and begin a theatrical career. Shakespeare's major activity lays in the field of drama. He became a full shareholder in his acting company, he was co-owner of "the Globe" theatre and later of "the Blackfriars" theatre, and in 1597 he purchased property in Strarford, including one of the largest houses in the town. He probably retired about 1610, traveling to London when necessary to take care of his theatrical business. In all, 154 sonnets were written. The sonnets were probably created in the 1590 but were first published in 1609.
Вільям Шекспір - найбільший з усіх драматургів та поетів усіх часів. Не багато відомо про його життя. Ймовірно він був сином бізнесмена і народився в 1564 році в Стратфорді-на-Ейвоні. Ймовірно, він відвідував місцеву гімназію та отримав класичну освіту. У 1582 році він одружився з Енн Хатвай і мав 3 дітей. Мало відомо про його життя до 1592 року, коли він з'явився як драматург у Лондоні. Незабаром він став актором, що грає допоміжні ролі, як привид в "Гамлеті". У 1599 році Шекспір став частиною власника театру "Глобус" у Лондоні.
Робота Шекспіра як драматурга підрозділяється на 3 періоди. У першому періоді написані п'єси Шекспіра, в основному, історія, як "Генріх VI", і комедії з сильними елементами фарсу. Його шедевром цього періоду є "Ромео і Джульєтта".
У другій період Шекспір написав ряд комедій, де він відійшов від фарсу до романтики. У третій період, після 1600, з'явилися його великі трагедії - "Гамлет", "Отелло". Вони подали явну опозицію для хаосу, добра до зла.
Шекспір був великим поетом і був би добре відомий лише своєю поезією. Його основним досягненням як поета є його сонети, вперше опубліковані в 1609 році. Сонет - це вірш, що складається з 14 ліній, з моральним в кінці. Сонети адресовані деяким "W.H.", і надто загадкова "Темна леді сонетів". Сонети займаються великими темами любові, дружби, смерті, змін і безсмертя. Шекспір розглядає власну поезію як засіб безсмертя. Сонети Шекспіра відмінні. Вони сповнені гармонії та музики; вони хвалять любов, дружбу та красу, хоча в них немає сентиментальності.
Поезія Шекспіра знаходиться на вершині людських досягнень. Пройшло багато століть з моменту його смерті в 1616 році, але Шекспір все ще вважається найбільшим з усіх драматургів та поетів.
Великий поет і драматург Вільям Шекспір часто називають своїми народами "Наш національний бард", "Безсмертний поет натури" та "Великий невідомий". Більше двохсот сучасних посилань на Шекспіра були розміщені серед церковних записів, юридичних документів, документів у Державному канцелярії та різних сховищах. Коли вони зібралися, ми маємо, принаймні, скелетний план свого життя, починаючи зі свого Баптиста 26 квітня 1564 року в Троїцькій церкві, Стратфорд-на-Ейвоні, і закінчивши там його похорону 25 квітня 1616 року. Уродженець Шекспіра місце було Sratford-on-Avon, маленьке містечко у Warwickshire, яке, як правило, описано як знаходиться в середині Англії.
Батько Шекспіра, Джон, був процвітаючим рукавичкою Stratford, який після проведення невеликих муніципальних служб був обраний високим виконавцем Стратфорда. Мати Шекспіра Марія Арден прийшла з багатих сімей поміщиків.
Шекспір, мабуть, отримав його ранню освіту в відмінній Стратфордській гімназії, під керівництвом випускника Оксфордського університету, де він дізнався латинське помазання греків. У 1582 році Шекспір вийшла заміж за Енни Хатауей, яка жила в сусідній хуторі. Першою дитиною, народженим Енн та Вільямом, була їхня дочка Сусанна. Близько двох років Енн породила близнюків хлопчика та дівчини, Гамлета та Джудіт.
Тоді життя в Стратфорді стала нестерпною для Вільяма Шекспіра, і він вирішив поїхати до Лондона і почати театральну кар'єру. Основна діяльність Шекспіра лежить в області драматургії. Він став повноправним акціонером акторської компанії, він був співвласником театру "Глобус", а пізніше "Театром" Blackfriars ", а в 1597 році він придбав нерухомість в Стррфорді, включаючи один з найбільших будинків у місті. Він, напевно, пішов у відставку приблизно з 1610 р., Подорожуючи до Лондона, коли потрібно піклуватися про його театральному бізнесі. Всього було написано 154 сонети. Сонети, ймовірно, були створені в 1590 році, але вперше були опубліковані в 1609 році.
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