Vincent Van Gogh was born in Holland in 1853. Before becoming a painter he was a teacher. He started painting when he was twenty-seven. In 1886 he left Holland and joined his young brother Theo, who lived in Paris. Here he painted some of his most famous pictures. After living there for two years he moved to the South of France, because the climate was warmer there.
But Van Gogh was mentally ill. During one of his fits of madness, he attacked his friend, the artist Paul Gaugin. In another fit of madness, he cut off part of his own ear. Eventually, he went into a mental hospital but he didn't get any better. Finally, on Sunday 27th July 1890, in the small village Vincent Van Gogh took a gun. He went into a cornfield and shot himself. Thirty-six hours later Van Gogh died in his brother's arms. His last words were: "I hope I did it properly". Nobody has ever painted cornfields or sunflowers like Van Gogh. His paintings are full of colour and sunlight. Today his paintings are worth millions of pounds but in his lifetime he only sold one.
But Van Gogh was mentally ill. During one of his fits of madness, he attacked his friend, the artist Paul Gaugin. In another fit of madness, he cut off part of his own ear. Eventually, he went into a mental hospital but he didn't get any better. Finally, on Sunday 27th July 1890, in the small village Vincent Van Gogh took a gun. He went into a cornfield and shot himself. Thirty-six hours later Van Gogh died in his brother's arms. His last words were: "I hope I did it properly". Nobody has ever painted cornfields or sunflowers like Van Gogh. His paintings are full of colour and sunlight. Today his paintings are worth millions of pounds but in his lifetime he only sold one.
Вінсент Ван Гог народився в Голландії в 1853 році. Перш ніж стати художником, він був вчителем. Він почав займатися живописом, коли йому було двадцять сім років. У 1886 році він залишив Голландію і приєднався до свого молодого брата Тео, який жив у Парижі. Тут він малював деякі з його найвідоміших картин. Проживши там два роки, він переїхав на південь Франції, тому що клімат там був теплішим.
Але Ван Гог був психічно хворий. Під час одного з його божевілля він напав на свого друга, художника Пауля Гоген. В іншому божевілля, він відрізав частину власного вуха. Врешті-решт, він пішов у психіатричну лікарню, але він не став кращим. Нарешті, в неділю 27 липня 1890 року в маленькому селі Вінсент Ван Гог взяв гармату. Він пішов у кукурудзяне поле і збив себе. Через тридцять шість годин Ван Гог помер на руках брата. Останні його слова були: "Я сподіваюся, що я зробив це належним чином". Ніхто ніколи не писав кукурудзяні поля або соняшники, такі як Ван Гог. Його картини повні кольору та сонячного світла. Сьогодні його картини коштують мільйонів фунтів, але за всю його життя він продавав лише одну.
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Дякую, ви мене просто врятували!
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