Napoleon Bonaparte was born on August 15, 1769 in Corsica Island. He was the greatest hero of France. His family had moved there from Italy in the 16th century. His original name was Napoleone and his original nationality was Corsican-Italian.
His father was a lawyer, and was anti-French. One reason Napoleon may have been such a great leader and revolutionary, that he was raised in a family of radicals. When Napoleon was nine, his father sent him to Brienne, a French military government school in Paris. It was there that he received his military training. He studied to be an artilleryman and an officer. He finished his training and joined the French army when he was just 16.
In 1793, he was chosen to direct the artillery against the siege in Toulon. Very soon after Toulon fell and Napoleon was promoted to brigadier general. He was made commander of the French army in Italy and defeated many Austrian Generals. Soon after this Austria and France made peace and Napoleon was released from his command, he was suspected of treason. In 1795, he broke up a revolt and saved the French government. He had earned back respect and he was once again given command of the French Army in Italy. He came up with a plan that worked very well. "He would cut the enemy's army into two parts, then attack one side of them before the other side could help them".
After this, Napoleon was almost impossible to stop. He made an unsuccessful attempt to invade Egypt and in 1799 he returned to France to find the Directory (the French Government) in a mess. He overthrew the Directory and created a new government, of which there were three consuls and he was the most important one. At this time, everyone in France loved and admired Napoleon; his power increased. In 1802 France signed a peace treaty with England and Germany.
He re-established the University of France, reformed the education system, and founded the Bank of France. He also made the Napoleonic Code: the first clear, compact statement of the French law. The Napoleonic Code has served as a base for legal systems around the world until this day.Soon he changed the government again and declared himself the Emperor of France. He married Marie Louise, the daughter of the Emperor of Austria. Soon his son was born. He now was the ruler of a Great Empire, and he had 42 million people under his control.
Then he tried to invade Russia, after that his empire began to crumble.
And on April 6,1814, he was forced from the throne and was exiled to the island of Elba. About a year later, he gathered about 1,000 soldiers and went to Paris and regained power. He ruled for a short time and then he surrendered to the English.
He was exiled to the island of St. Helena in the south Atlantic, where he stayed until he died on May 5, 1821. He is supposed to die of cancer, but there are rumors that he was poisoned.
His father was a lawyer, and was anti-French. One reason Napoleon may have been such a great leader and revolutionary, that he was raised in a family of radicals. When Napoleon was nine, his father sent him to Brienne, a French military government school in Paris. It was there that he received his military training. He studied to be an artilleryman and an officer. He finished his training and joined the French army when he was just 16.
In 1793, he was chosen to direct the artillery against the siege in Toulon. Very soon after Toulon fell and Napoleon was promoted to brigadier general. He was made commander of the French army in Italy and defeated many Austrian Generals. Soon after this Austria and France made peace and Napoleon was released from his command, he was suspected of treason. In 1795, he broke up a revolt and saved the French government. He had earned back respect and he was once again given command of the French Army in Italy. He came up with a plan that worked very well. "He would cut the enemy's army into two parts, then attack one side of them before the other side could help them".
After this, Napoleon was almost impossible to stop. He made an unsuccessful attempt to invade Egypt and in 1799 he returned to France to find the Directory (the French Government) in a mess. He overthrew the Directory and created a new government, of which there were three consuls and he was the most important one. At this time, everyone in France loved and admired Napoleon; his power increased. In 1802 France signed a peace treaty with England and Germany.
He re-established the University of France, reformed the education system, and founded the Bank of France. He also made the Napoleonic Code: the first clear, compact statement of the French law. The Napoleonic Code has served as a base for legal systems around the world until this day.Soon he changed the government again and declared himself the Emperor of France. He married Marie Louise, the daughter of the Emperor of Austria. Soon his son was born. He now was the ruler of a Great Empire, and he had 42 million people under his control.
Then he tried to invade Russia, after that his empire began to crumble.
And on April 6,1814, he was forced from the throne and was exiled to the island of Elba. About a year later, he gathered about 1,000 soldiers and went to Paris and regained power. He ruled for a short time and then he surrendered to the English.
He was exiled to the island of St. Helena in the south Atlantic, where he stayed until he died on May 5, 1821. He is supposed to die of cancer, but there are rumors that he was poisoned.
Наполеон Бонапарт народився 15 серпня 1769 року на острові Корсика. Він був найбільшим героєм Франції. Його сім'я переїхала туди з Італії в 16 столітті. Його оригінальне ім'я було Наполеоне, і його оригінальна національність була корсікансько-італійською.
Його батько був адвокатом і став антифранцузьким. Одна з причин, чому Наполеон був таким великим лідером і революціонером, що він був вихований у родині радикалів. Коли Наполеона було дев'ять, його батько відправив його до французької військової державної школи в Парижі у Брієн. Саме там він отримав військову підготовку. Він навчався бути артилеристом і офіцером. Він закінчив навчання і приєднався до французької армії, коли йому було всього 16 років.
У 1793 році він був обраний керувати артилерією проти облоги в Тулоні. Дуже скоро після того, як Тулон загинув, Наполеон був висунутий до бригадного генерала. Він був командиром французької армії в Італії і переміг багатьох австрійських генералів. Невдовзі після цього Австрія і Франція уклали мир і Наполеон був звільнений від його командування, його підозрювали в зраді. У 1795 році він розірвав повстання і врятував французький уряд. Він заслужив повагу і знову отримав командування французькою армією в Італії. Він підібрав план, який працював дуже добре. "Він нарізав армію супротивника на дві частини, а потім атакував їх одну сторону, а інша сторона могла допомогти їм".
Після цього Наполеону було майже неможливо зупинитися. Він зробив невдалу спробу вторгнутися до Єгипту, а в 1799 році він повернувся до Франції, щоб знайти Директорію (французький уряд) безлад. Він скинув Директорію і створив новий уряд, в якому були три консули, і він був найважливішим. У цей час кожен у Франції любив і захоплювався Наполеоном; його сила збільшилася. У 1802 році Франція підписала мирний договір з Англією та Німеччиною.
Він відновив Французький університет, реформував систему освіти та заснував Банк Франції. Він також зробив Наполеонський кодекс: перше чітке, компактне заяву французького права. Наполеонський кодекс став основою для правових систем у всьому світі до сьогоднішнього дня. Через деякий час він знову змінив владу і оголосив себе імператором Франції. Він одружився з Марі Луїзою, дочкою імператора Австрії. Незабаром його син народився. Він був тепер правителем Великої Імперії, і під його контроль він мав 42 мільйони людей.
Потім він намагався вторгнутися до Росії, після чого його імперія почала руйнуватися.
І 6 квітня 1814 року він був змушений з престолу і був засланий на острів Ельба. Близько року пізніше він зібрав близько тисячі солдатів і поїхав до Парижу і відновив владу. Він правив на короткий час, а потім віддався англійською.
Він був засланий на острів Св. Олени в південній Атлантиці, де він залишився, поки він не помер 5 травня 1821 року. Він повинен померти від раку, але є чутки, що його отруїли.
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