I'm fond of reading. My favorite writer is William SomersetMaugham and I would like to tell about his biography.
William Somerset Maugham was born in 1874 and spent his childhood in Paris in the family of a British diplomat. Having lost his parents at an early age, he went to live in England with his uncle, who was a clergyman. He was educated at King's school inCanterbury studied painting in Paris, went to Heidelburg University in Germany and spent six years at St.Thomas Hospital in England studying to be a doctor. He was an unsatisfactory medical student for his heart wasn't in medicine. He wanted, he had always wanted to be a writer and in the evening after his tea, he wrote and read.
In 1897 he wrote a novel called "Liza of Lambeth", sent it to a publisher and it was accepted. It was something of a success. So William Somerset Maugham decided to abandon his medical profession and he did it with relief. The next ten years were very hard on him. He learned the terrible difficulties of making a living by writing. But he survived. He became a famous writer. He never regretted the five years he had spent at the hospital. They taught him pretty well all he knew about human nature.
The novel "The moon and sixpence" (1919) is based on the life of the artist Paul Gauguin was an immediate success. Maugham went to Tahiti and lived in Gauguin's hut while writing the book. His fame as a short story writer began with "The Trembling of a leaf". Since then he wrote many collections of books, essays and criticism. Many of his books and stories came out of his extensive travels in the East. His autobiographical books "The summing up" and "A Writer's Notebook" are remarkable for both style and sincerity. His books have been reprinted many times.
In 1927 William Somerset Maugham settled in the South of France and lived there until his death in 1965.
William Somerset Maugham was born in 1874 and spent his childhood in Paris in the family of a British diplomat. Having lost his parents at an early age, he went to live in England with his uncle, who was a clergyman. He was educated at King's school inCanterbury studied painting in Paris, went to Heidelburg University in Germany and spent six years at St.Thomas Hospital in England studying to be a doctor. He was an unsatisfactory medical student for his heart wasn't in medicine. He wanted, he had always wanted to be a writer and in the evening after his tea, he wrote and read.
In 1897 he wrote a novel called "Liza of Lambeth", sent it to a publisher and it was accepted. It was something of a success. So William Somerset Maugham decided to abandon his medical profession and he did it with relief. The next ten years were very hard on him. He learned the terrible difficulties of making a living by writing. But he survived. He became a famous writer. He never regretted the five years he had spent at the hospital. They taught him pretty well all he knew about human nature.
The novel "The moon and sixpence" (1919) is based on the life of the artist Paul Gauguin was an immediate success. Maugham went to Tahiti and lived in Gauguin's hut while writing the book. His fame as a short story writer began with "The Trembling of a leaf". Since then he wrote many collections of books, essays and criticism. Many of his books and stories came out of his extensive travels in the East. His autobiographical books "The summing up" and "A Writer's Notebook" are remarkable for both style and sincerity. His books have been reprinted many times.
In 1927 William Somerset Maugham settled in the South of France and lived there until his death in 1965.
Я люблю читати. Мій улюблений письменник - Вільям Сомерсет Моем, і я хотів би розповісти про свою біографію.
Вільям Сомерсет Моем народився в 1874 році і провів дитинство у Парижі в сім'ї британського дипломата. Загубивши своїх батьків у ранньому віці, він вирушив жити в Англію зі своїмдруком, який був священиком. Він отримав освіту в школі короля, в Кантерабурі вивчав живопис у Парижі, поїхав до університету в Гейдельбурі в Німеччині і провів шість років у лікарні Святої Тіоми в Англії, вивчаючи як лікаря. Він був незадовільним медичним студентом, бо його серце не було в лікуванні. Він хотів, він завжди хотів бути письменником, а ввечері після свого чаю він писав і читав.
У 1897 році він написав роман під назвою "Ліза з Ламбет", відправив його в видавець і був прийнятий. Це було щось для успіху. Тож Уільям Сомерсет Моем вирішив відмовитися від своєї медичної професії і зробив це з реліфом. Наступні десять роківбули дуже важко на нього. Він дізнався страшні труднощі, пов'язані з живим життям, написавши. Але він вижив. Він став відомим письменником. Він ніколи не шкодував про п'ять років, проведених в лікарні. Вони навчили його дуже добре, все, що він знав про людину.
Роман "Місяць і шість пенсів" (1919) заснований нажиття художника Пауля Гогеном був негайним успіхом. Моем перебрався в Таїті і жив у хатині Гогена при написанні книги. Його слава, як розповідь письменника, почалася з "Дрімання алейфа". З тих пір він написав багато збірників книг, нарисів та критики. Багато хто з його книг і розповідей вийшли з широкомасштабних подорожей на Сході. Його автобіографічні книги "Толстяки" і "Письменницька книгарня" чудові як для стилю, так і для щирості. Його книги багато разів перевидавалися.
У 1927 році Вільям Сомерсет Моем влаштувався на півдні Франції і жив там до самої смерті в 1965 році.
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