Michael Lermontov was born on the 15th of October 1814 in a noble family. The poet spent his youth at Tarkany. He entered Moscow University, but very soon had to abandon it. Then he entered St. Petersburg School of Cavalry Cadets and finished it.
In 1837 the poet was exiled to the Caucasus for his poem on Pushkin's death in which he put all the blame for it on the ruling circles of Russia under Nicolas I. In 1841 Lermontov was sent into exile to the Caucasus for the second time. As a result of intrigues by the officers, he was provoked into a personal quarrel with an old schoolfellow, which led to the duel. On July 15, 1841, the poet was killed.
Lermontov began writing when he was very young. One of his first writings to be published was his tale verse Hadji Abrek. But Lermontov became famous for his poem on the death of Pushkin. Whether Lermontov chose to write poetry, prose or drama the stamp of his genius was always to be found on it. Lermontov's poems "The Demon", "Mtsyri" and the "Lay of the Merchant Kalashnikov", his innumerable lyrics, his novel "A Hero of Our Time" and his play "Masquerade" are masterpieces of Russian literature. Lermontov's poems are the profession of faith of an independent and free man.
In 1837 the poet was exiled to the Caucasus for his poem on Pushkin's death in which he put all the blame for it on the ruling circles of Russia under Nicolas I. In 1841 Lermontov was sent into exile to the Caucasus for the second time. As a result of intrigues by the officers, he was provoked into a personal quarrel with an old schoolfellow, which led to the duel. On July 15, 1841, the poet was killed.
Lermontov began writing when he was very young. One of his first writings to be published was his tale verse Hadji Abrek. But Lermontov became famous for his poem on the death of Pushkin. Whether Lermontov chose to write poetry, prose or drama the stamp of his genius was always to be found on it. Lermontov's poems "The Demon", "Mtsyri" and the "Lay of the Merchant Kalashnikov", his innumerable lyrics, his novel "A Hero of Our Time" and his play "Masquerade" are masterpieces of Russian literature. Lermontov's poems are the profession of faith of an independent and free man.
Михайло Лермонтов народився 15 жовтня 1814 року в дворянській родині. Поет провів свою юність у Таркані. Він вступив до Московського університету, але дуже скоро повинен був залишити його. Потім він вступив до Петербурзької школи кавалерійських кадетів і закінчив його.
У 1837 році поет був засланий на Кавказ за його поему про смерть Пушкіна, в якій він виніс за це всю правду в правлячі кола Росії під Николою I. У 1841 році Лермонтов був відправлений на заслання на Кавказ удруге. Внаслідок інтриг офіцерів він був спровокований особистою сваркою зі старим школярем, що призвело до дуелі. 15 липня 1841 року поет був убитий.
Лермонтов почав писати, коли був дуже молодим. Одним з його перших творів, який має бути опублікований, був його повість вірша Хаджі Абрека. Але Лермонтов прославився своєю поемою про смерть Пушкіна. Чи завжди Лермонтов вирішив написати вірші, прозу чи драму, на нього завжди було знайдено печатку свого генія. Вірші Лермонтова "Демон", "Мцирі" та "Положення купецького Калашникова", його незліченна лірика, роман "Герой нашого часу" та його п'єса "Маскарад" - це шедеври російської літератури. Вірші Лермонтова є професією віри незалежної та вільної людини.
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