Leonardo Wilhelm DiCaprio (born November 11, 1974) is an American actor and film producer.
His first role was on the sitcom Growing Pains, but his breakthrough film performance came in This Boy's Life. This was quickly followed by What's Eating Gilbert Grape; his performance as the mentally handicapped brother of Gilbert (Johnny Depp) brought him nominations for the Golden Globe and Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor. DiCaprio has also been nominated for two BAFTAs, three SAGs, and seven Golden Globes. He is a Golden Globe and a Silver Bear winner.
He gained fame for his role as Jack Dawson in Titanic, and has starred in many other successful films including Romeo + Juliet, Catches Me If You Can, and Blood Diamond, for which he was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Actor. Another Academy Award nomination came for his role as Howard Hughes in The Aviator, directed by Martin Scorsese. He has also worked with Scorsese in Gangs of New York, The Departed and Shutter Island. DiCaprio was born in Los Angeles, California, the only child of a former legal secretary, and an underground comic artist and producer of comic books. His parents divorced when he was a year old and he lived mostly with his mother, although his father was around intermittently. During his childhood, DiCaprio was interested in baseball cards, comic books, and frequently visited museums with his father.
DiCaprio's career began with his appearing in several commercials and educational films. He got his break on television in 1990 when he was cast in the short-lived series based on the movie Parenthood. His debut film role was Critters 3, a B-grade horror film, which later went straight to video.
His breakthrough came in 1992, when he beat out hundreds of other boys for the role of Toby Wolff in This Boy's Life, co-starring Robert De Niro and Ellen Barkin. The move from "star" to "superstar" came when DiCaprio played Jack Dawson in the 1997 blockbuster Titanic, his popularity skyrocketed, with the media dubbing it "Leo-mania". In 2002, DiCaprio starred in Gangs of New York (directed by Martin Scorsese) and Catch Me If You Can (directed by Steven Spielberg). Both films were very well received by critics. DiCaprio continued his run with Scorsese in the 2006 film The Departed as Billy Costigan, a smart undercover cop in Boston. His next film was Blood Diamond, released in December 2006.
In 2010, DiCaprio starred in Shutter Island directed by Martin Scorsese, which is based on the novel of the same name by Dennis Lehane.
His first role was on the sitcom Growing Pains, but his breakthrough film performance came in This Boy's Life. This was quickly followed by What's Eating Gilbert Grape; his performance as the mentally handicapped brother of Gilbert (Johnny Depp) brought him nominations for the Golden Globe and Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor. DiCaprio has also been nominated for two BAFTAs, three SAGs, and seven Golden Globes. He is a Golden Globe and a Silver Bear winner.
He gained fame for his role as Jack Dawson in Titanic, and has starred in many other successful films including Romeo + Juliet, Catches Me If You Can, and Blood Diamond, for which he was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Actor. Another Academy Award nomination came for his role as Howard Hughes in The Aviator, directed by Martin Scorsese. He has also worked with Scorsese in Gangs of New York, The Departed and Shutter Island. DiCaprio was born in Los Angeles, California, the only child of a former legal secretary, and an underground comic artist and producer of comic books. His parents divorced when he was a year old and he lived mostly with his mother, although his father was around intermittently. During his childhood, DiCaprio was interested in baseball cards, comic books, and frequently visited museums with his father.
DiCaprio's career began with his appearing in several commercials and educational films. He got his break on television in 1990 when he was cast in the short-lived series based on the movie Parenthood. His debut film role was Critters 3, a B-grade horror film, which later went straight to video.
His breakthrough came in 1992, when he beat out hundreds of other boys for the role of Toby Wolff in This Boy's Life, co-starring Robert De Niro and Ellen Barkin. The move from "star" to "superstar" came when DiCaprio played Jack Dawson in the 1997 blockbuster Titanic, his popularity skyrocketed, with the media dubbing it "Leo-mania". In 2002, DiCaprio starred in Gangs of New York (directed by Martin Scorsese) and Catch Me If You Can (directed by Steven Spielberg). Both films were very well received by critics. DiCaprio continued his run with Scorsese in the 2006 film The Departed as Billy Costigan, a smart undercover cop in Boston. His next film was Blood Diamond, released in December 2006.
In 2010, DiCaprio starred in Shutter Island directed by Martin Scorsese, which is based on the novel of the same name by Dennis Lehane.
Леонардо Вільгельм Ді Капріо (народився 11 листопада 1974 року) є американським актором і кінопродюсером.
Його перша роль полягала в симуляції Growing Pains (Зростаюча біль), але проривне кіно проявилося в житті цього хлопчика. Це швидко наслідувало те, що їсть Гільберт Грейп; його виступ, як розумовий брат Джилберт (Джонні Депп), приніс йому номінації на Золотий глобус та премію "Академія" за кращу акторну підтримку. ДіКапріо також був призначений на два BAFTAs, три SAG і сім Золотих глобусів. Він - Золотий глобус і срібний ведмідь.
Він отримав популярність за роль Джека Доусона в "Титаніку" і зіграв у багатьох інших успішних фільмах, включаючи "Romeo + Juliet", "Catches Me If You Can" і "Blood Diamond", за що він був призначений на премію "Академія" за кращий актор. Одне з номінацій на премію "Академія" прийшло на роль Говарда Хьюза в "Авіаторе", режисера Мартіна Скорсезе. Він також працював з Скорсезе в банд Нью-Йорка, The Departed і Shutter Island. ДіКаприо народився в Лос-Анджелесі, штат Каліфорнія, єдиною дитиною колишнього законного секретаря, а також підземним комічним артистом і продюсером коміксів. Його батьки розлучилися, коли йому було рік, і він жив переважно з матір'ю, хоча батько був з перервами. У дитинстві ДіКапріо цікавився бейсбольними картами, коміксами та часто відвідуваними музеями зі своїм батьком.
Кар'єра Дікапріо почалася з його появи в декількох рекламних роликах та освітніх фільмах. Він отримав перерву на телебаченні в 1990 році, коли його віддали в недовговічну серію на основі фільму "Батьківство". Його роль дебюту фільму - "Криттерс 3", фільм жахів "Б", який згодом пішов прямо на відео.
Його прорив відбувся в 1992 році, коли він вибив сотні інших хлопців за роль Тобі Вольфа в житті цього хлопчика, разом з Робертом Де Ніро та Еллен Баркін. Перехід від "зірки" до "суперзірки" з'явився тоді, коли Дікапріо зіграв Джека Доусона в блокбастері "Титанік" в 1997 році, його популярність збільшилася, а медіа дубльовано "Леоманія". У 2002 році ДіКапріо знявся у гангстах Нью-Йорка (режисер Мартін Скорсезе) та "Catch Me If You Can" (режисер Стівен Спілберг). Обидва фільми були дуже добре прийняті критиками. ДіКапріо продовжував свій біг з Скорсезе у фільмі 2006 року "Виїхав на посаду" Біллі Костіган, розумного таємного поліцейського в Бостоні. Його наступним фільмом став Blood Diamond, випущений в грудні 2006 року.
У 2010 році Дікапріо знявся на острові Шаттер, режисер Мартін Скорсезе, який заснований на однойменному романі Денніса Лехане.
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