Jonathan Swift was the greatest of English satirists. His better satire on the contemporary social order in general and a policy of English government in particular. That's why the Irish people considered Swift the champion in the struggle against the wealthy and freedom of their country.
Jonathan Swift was born in Dublin, but he came from an English family. His father died at the age of 25, leaving his wife and daughter penniless. His son was born seven months later after his death. The boy knew little of his mother. He hardly ever saw her, during his childhood. Jonathan was supported by his uncle Godwin. At the age of 6, he was sent to school, which he left at 14. Then he entered a college in Dublin and got his bachelor's degree in 1686.
Jonathan Swift was born in Dublin, but he came from an English family. His father died at the age of 25, leaving his wife and daughter penniless. His son was born seven months later after his death. The boy knew little of his mother. He hardly ever saw her, during his childhood. Jonathan was supported by his uncle Godwin. At the age of 6, he was sent to school, which he left at 14. Then he entered a college in Dublin and got his bachelor's degree in 1686.
Джонатан Свіфт був найбільшим із англійських сатириків. Його краща сатира до сучасного суспільного устрою взагалі та політика англійського уряду зокрема. Саме тому ірландці вважали Свіфта чемпіоном у боротьбі проти багатих та свободу своєї країни.
Джонатан Свіфт народився в Дубліні, але він прийшов з англійської родини. Його батько помер у віці 25 років, залишаючи свою дружину та дочку без грошей. Його син народився через сім місяців після його смерті. Хлопчик мало знав про свою матір. Він навряд чи колись бачив її в дитинстві. Джонатан підтримав його дядько Годвін. У віці 6 років його відправили в школу, яку він залишив у 14. Тоді він вступив до коледжу в Дубліні і отримав ступінь бакалавра в 1686 році.
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