Diana Spencer was born on the first of July 1961 in Sandringham in England. She had two older sisters and a younger brother. In childhood, she liked games, swimming, running, and dancing. She wanted to become a dancer. Besides, she loved children very much and at the age of sixteen, she worked in schools for very young children. Diana became a princess when Prince Charles, the Queen's son, asked her to be his wife and they got married.
They seemed to be a happy couple at first. They had two sons. They traveled a lot they worked a lot, they visited many countries together. But Diana was not quite happy because they liked different things and Charles didn't understand her. Why was Diana the most famous, the most beautiful, the most photographed woman in the world? Why did she win the hearts of millions and millions of people in many countries? Why did so many people come to London to remember her when she died? Why did the car accident which took her life, become such a total shock to crowds of people? Why did people feel the need to be in London at the funeral? Why did the tears and love at the funeral move the world? The answer is so simple. Matthew Wall, a student at St. Michael's College in Burlington said: "She was such a lovely lady. She did so much for those people less fortunate than herself". She was a kind woman. Hundreds of people talked about Diana's kindnesses. She liked ordinary people, though she was rich and had many rich friends. Wherever she was, she was always ready to lend a hand. She was devoted to the sick and the poor. She visited hospitals for people with AIDS and for lepers and wasn't afraid to touch them, talk to them, listen to them.
She worked on children's charities and had teamed up with Hillary Clinton in an effort to ban landmines. And it's not only money, that she wanted to give people. She wanted to give them a part of her soul, to make them happy because she was unhappy herself. She wanted to give them love because she needed to love herself. Rock stars (Sting, Elton John), pop singer George Michael, film stars and producers (Tom Hanks, Steven Spielberg, Nicole Kidman, Tom Cruise) and other famous people were among her friends. But she had more friends among ordinary people. Diana was seen many times in floods of tears, because of the pressures of her loveless 15-year marriage. It is not a secret that Diana was hounded and humiliated to the point of mental breakdown and was able to pull through only because she knew she had the love of the people to buoy her in her darkest hours. She was, indeed, the People's Princess.
They seemed to be a happy couple at first. They had two sons. They traveled a lot they worked a lot, they visited many countries together. But Diana was not quite happy because they liked different things and Charles didn't understand her. Why was Diana the most famous, the most beautiful, the most photographed woman in the world? Why did she win the hearts of millions and millions of people in many countries? Why did so many people come to London to remember her when she died? Why did the car accident which took her life, become such a total shock to crowds of people? Why did people feel the need to be in London at the funeral? Why did the tears and love at the funeral move the world? The answer is so simple. Matthew Wall, a student at St. Michael's College in Burlington said: "She was such a lovely lady. She did so much for those people less fortunate than herself". She was a kind woman. Hundreds of people talked about Diana's kindnesses. She liked ordinary people, though she was rich and had many rich friends. Wherever she was, she was always ready to lend a hand. She was devoted to the sick and the poor. She visited hospitals for people with AIDS and for lepers and wasn't afraid to touch them, talk to them, listen to them.
She worked on children's charities and had teamed up with Hillary Clinton in an effort to ban landmines. And it's not only money, that she wanted to give people. She wanted to give them a part of her soul, to make them happy because she was unhappy herself. She wanted to give them love because she needed to love herself. Rock stars (Sting, Elton John), pop singer George Michael, film stars and producers (Tom Hanks, Steven Spielberg, Nicole Kidman, Tom Cruise) and other famous people were among her friends. But she had more friends among ordinary people. Diana was seen many times in floods of tears, because of the pressures of her loveless 15-year marriage. It is not a secret that Diana was hounded and humiliated to the point of mental breakdown and was able to pull through only because she knew she had the love of the people to buoy her in her darkest hours. She was, indeed, the People's Princess.
Діана Спенсер народилася першого липня 1961 року в Сандрінгемі в Англії. Вона мала двох старших сестер і молодшого брата. У дитинстві їй подобалися ігри, плавання, біг та танці. Вона хотіла стати танцівницею. Крім того, вона дуже любила дітей, і у віці шістнадцяти років вона працювала в школах для маленьких дітей. Діана стала принцесою, коли князь Чарльз, син королеви, попросив її бути своєю дружиною, і вони одружилися.
Спочатку вони здавалися щасливою парою. У них було двох синів. Вони багато подорожували, багато працювали, разом відвідали багато країн. Але Діана була не зовсім щаслива, тому що їм подобалося різні речі, і Чарлз не зрозумів її. Чому Діана стала найвідомішою, найкрасивішою, найбільш фотографованою в світі жінкою? Чому вона завоювала серця мільйонів і мільйонів людей у багатьох країнах? Чому так багато людей приїжджали до Лондона, щоб згадати її, коли вона померла? Чому автомобільна аварія, яка забрала її життя, стала таким загальним шоком для натовпу людей? Чому люди відчували необхідність бути на Лондоні на похоронах? Чому сльози і любов на похоронах рухають світ? Відповідь настільки проста. Матвій Уолл, студентка у Михайлівському коледжі в Берлінгтоні, сказав: "Вона була такою прекрасною дамою, вона робила так багато для тих людей, яким пощастило". Вона була доброю жінкою. Сотні людей говорили про доброзичливість Діани. Їй сподобались звичайні люди, хоча вона була багата і мала багато багатих друзів. Куди б вона не була, вона завжди була готова надати руку. Вона була присвячена хворим і бідним. Вона відвідувала лікарні для людей з СНІДом і для прокажених і не боялася їх доторкнутися, поговорити з ними, слухати їх.
Вона працювала над дитячими благодійними організаціями, і об'єдналася з Хілларі Клінтон у спробі заборонити наземні міни. І це не тільки гроші, які вона хотіла дати людям. Вона хотіла дати їм частину своєї душі, щоб зробити їх щасливими, бо вона сама нещасна. Вона хотіла дати їм любов, тому що вона потребувала себе самолюбством. Серед її друзів були рок-зірки (Сінг, Елтон Джон), поп-співачка Джордж Майкл, кінозірки та продюсери (Том Хенкс, Стівен Спілберг, Ніколь Кідман, Том Круз) та інші відомі люди. Але вона мала більше друзів серед простих людей. Діану неодноразово було зафіксовано повені сліз, через тиск нелюбезного 15-річного шлюбу. Не секрет, що Діана була похміллям і приниженням до точки психічного розбиття, і він зміг прорватися лише тому, що знала, що вона любов народу, щоб сплавити її в її темні години. Вона була справді народною принцесою.
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