300-400 years ago a big part of the world was remaining unknown. But now there seems little more to explore, the wild north was conquered, the jungle was conquered too. And it seems that all the pages of the great book called "The Earth" has been filled in, but exploration still goes on. In the 15th-century people knew only 3 continents: Europe, Asia, and Africa. They knew nothing about America. The man who was thought to be the discoverer of America was born in 1451 in Italy. His name was Christopher Columbus.
Knowing that the earth was round he decided to reach India by sailing to the west. It was very difficult for him to organize an expedition as nobody wanted to help him. At last the Spanish government gave him some money. In 1492 he sailed with 3 small ships into the Atlantic ocean. They had been sailing for more than 2 months and at last, they saw land. Columbus was certain that the lands he discovered were part of India and he called these islands "The West Indies". He made 3 voyages to America. His last voyage was made in 1502-1504. After that, heavily ill, he remained in Spain until his death. He died believing that Cuba was part of Asia. These voyagers gave Europe the first information about the new world. Many places have been named in his honor. America, however, was named after another explorer Amerigo Vespucci.
Americus Vespucius (or Amerigo Vespucci, as the name is spelled in Italian) was born in Florence, Italy, in 1454. He was in Spain at the time of Columbus' first and second voyages. In a letter, written in 1504 and printed in 1505, he claimed to have made four voyages, on the first of which, in 1497, he explored the South American coast. This would make him the first European to land on the American continent, for at that time Columbus had only reached the outlying islands. Most scholars reject his version of this voyage. Vespucius perhaps did accompany a Spanish expedition that of Alonzo de Ojeda to South America in 1499, and in 1501 and 1503 he probably went with Portuguese expeditions. Probably he never commanded an expedition himself and, of course, was not the first person to set foot on the continents to which his name is given. Vespucius died in Seville, Spain, in 1512.
Knowing that the earth was round he decided to reach India by sailing to the west. It was very difficult for him to organize an expedition as nobody wanted to help him. At last the Spanish government gave him some money. In 1492 he sailed with 3 small ships into the Atlantic ocean. They had been sailing for more than 2 months and at last, they saw land. Columbus was certain that the lands he discovered were part of India and he called these islands "The West Indies". He made 3 voyages to America. His last voyage was made in 1502-1504. After that, heavily ill, he remained in Spain until his death. He died believing that Cuba was part of Asia. These voyagers gave Europe the first information about the new world. Many places have been named in his honor. America, however, was named after another explorer Amerigo Vespucci.
Americus Vespucius (or Amerigo Vespucci, as the name is spelled in Italian) was born in Florence, Italy, in 1454. He was in Spain at the time of Columbus' first and second voyages. In a letter, written in 1504 and printed in 1505, he claimed to have made four voyages, on the first of which, in 1497, he explored the South American coast. This would make him the first European to land on the American continent, for at that time Columbus had only reached the outlying islands. Most scholars reject his version of this voyage. Vespucius perhaps did accompany a Spanish expedition that of Alonzo de Ojeda to South America in 1499, and in 1501 and 1503 he probably went with Portuguese expeditions. Probably he never commanded an expedition himself and, of course, was not the first person to set foot on the continents to which his name is given. Vespucius died in Seville, Spain, in 1512.
300-400 років тому велика частина світу залишилася невідомою. Але тепер здається трохи більше, щоб вивчити, дикий північ був завойований, джунглі були також завойовані. І здається, що всі сторінки великої книги під назвою "Земля" були заповнені, але розвідка все ще триває. У 15-му столітті люди знали лише 3 континенти: Європу, Азію та Африку. Вони нічого не знали про Америку. Чоловік, який вважався першовідкривачем Америки, народився в 1451 році в Італії. Його звали Христофор Колумб.
Знаючи, що земля кругла, він вирішив доїхати до Індії, плаваючи на захід. Йому було дуже важко організувати експедицію, оскільки ніхто не хотів йому допомогти. Нарешті, іспанський уряд дав йому трохи грошей. У 1492 році він плавав з трьома невеликими кораблями в Атлантичний океан. Вони плавали більше двох місяців і, нарешті, побачили землю. Колумб був впевнений, що землі, які він виявив, були частиною Індії, і він назвав ці острови "Вест-Індії". Він зробив 3 подорожуючих в Америку. Його остання подорож була зроблена в 1502-1504 роках. Після цього він сильно хворів, він залишався в Іспанії аж до своєї смерті. Він помер, вважаючи, що Куба була частиною Азії. Ці мандрівники дали Європі першу інформацію про новий світ. Багато місць було названо в його честь. Америка ж була названа ще одним дослідником Амеріго Веспуччі.
Americus Vespucius (або Amerigo Vespucci, як називається італійською) народився у Флоренції, Італія, в 1454 році. Він був в Іспанії під час першого та другого подорожей Колумба. У листі, написаному в 1504 році і надрукованому в 1505 році, він стверджував, що здійснив чотири плавання, на першому з яких в 1497 році він досліджував узбережжя Південної Америки. Це зробить його першим європейцем на американському континенті, бо тоді Колумб тільки досягає околиць. Більшість вчених відкидають його версію цього плавання. Веспуччі, мабуть, супроводжував іспанську експедицію Алонзо де Оджеда в Південну Америку в 1499 році, а в 1501 і 1503 роках він, ймовірно, пішов з португальськими експедиціями. Ймовірно, він ніколи не командував експедицією і, звичайно, не була першою людиною, яка поставила ноги на континенти, до яких називається його ім'я. Веспуччі помер у Севільї, Іспанія, в 1512 році.
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