There are a lot of people who like animals.
And many of them keep some animals at home. Such animals are called pets. They are cats, dogs, hamsters, white mice and so on. They know their masters and love them. And all the pets need their master’s care and love. Dogs can be good friends to lonely people, cats can cure some illnesses and bad mood.
I love cats very much. I have one at home. My cat’s name is Alice. She is four years old, but she is rather small. Alice has very beautiful eyes and when it is dark in the room they shine. She likes to play and to sleep, but most of all she likes to eat. Some cats walk outdoors. My cat hates it. She thinks that a domestic cat should stay at home. But in general it is a cat that walks by herself.
And many of them keep some animals at home. Such animals are called pets. They are cats, dogs, hamsters, white mice and so on. They know their masters and love them. And all the pets need their master’s care and love. Dogs can be good friends to lonely people, cats can cure some illnesses and bad mood.
I love cats very much. I have one at home. My cat’s name is Alice. She is four years old, but she is rather small. Alice has very beautiful eyes and when it is dark in the room they shine. She likes to play and to sleep, but most of all she likes to eat. Some cats walk outdoors. My cat hates it. She thinks that a domestic cat should stay at home. But in general it is a cat that walks by herself.
Є багато людей, які люблять тварин.
І багато хто з них тримають тварин в домашніх умовах. Такі тварини називаються домашніми тваринами. Це кішки, собаки, хом'ячки, білі миші і так далі. Вони знають своїх господарів і люблять їх. Всі тварини потребують турботи господаря і любові. Собаки можуть бути хорошими друзями для одиноких людей, кішки можуть лікувати ряд захворювань і поганий настрій.
Я дуже люблю котів. У мене є одна вдома. Її звуть Аліса. Їй чотири роки, але вона маленька. У Аліси дуже красиві очі, і коли темно в кімнаті, вони блищать. Вона любить грати і спати, але найбільше вона любить поїсти. Деякі кішки гуляють на вулиці. Моя кішка ненавидить це. Вона вважає, що домашня кішка повинна сидіти вдома. Але в цілому це кішка, яка гуляє сама по собі.
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